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Thursday, October 10, 2013

3 Fast Weight Loss Tips That Are Healthy and Effective

Here are a couple of fast weight loss tips.

One - In order to achieve effective and permanent weight loss, you also need to make permanent changes to your diet. For the most part, you can still eat the things you love, just less of them. More importantly though, complement your diet with real fresh fruits and vegetables. Drink lots of liquids, and eat foods that are high in fiber, as both liquids and fiber are important for your digestive system. Your liquid staple should not be a sugary drink like soda pop. Instead choose fruit juice or just drink water. Tea and coffee are healthy too.

Two - Eat smaller portions more often. When you have a meal, learn to stop while you still feel a little bit hungry, but remind yourself that your next meal will be in an hour or two. It is a physiological fact that our human bodies aren't good at telling us when we're full, and it's absolutely natural to overeat because of this. Knowing this fact lets you know that you don't have to eat until you feel full, and if you add to it the fact that you can eat again soon, you won't go into panic hunger mode.

Three -Many people focus on you thinking only on feeling good all of the time. But the only way to get there is to love the uncomfortable things. If you want to lose weight quickly, you need to learn to love getting out of breath on a normal set of stairs. Stop looking forward to the day when you will climb the stairs without being winded. Instead, think of it this way: if you're not winded when you climb the stairs, you're not going fast enough. The best weight loss program is the program that lasts your entire life even after you have lost the weight.

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