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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Fast Weight Loss Diet - Here's a Diet Which is Guaranteed to Help You Lose Weight Fast!

Looking for a fast weight loss diet to drop those pounds quickly? If you're looking to change your body drastically in a short period of time, I can really only think of one fast weight loss diet for you to try out.

If you want to see quick results, you're basically looking at doing the CKD diet.

The CKD diet stands for the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet and it's a diet which is focused on eating a large amount of fat, moderate amount of protein and minimal amounts of carbs. This is a similar diet to the Atkins diet, with the exception that there is a day taken out for eating nothing but high carbs and low fat.

The good thing about this diet over Atkins is it allows this "carb-up" for you to recharge your muscles as well as your spirits. It's tough eating nothing but fatty foods, it leaves you lethargic and feeling deprived.

When you are eating mostly fat and protein though, you do become a fat burning monster and start burning fat at an incredible rate, that is why this diet is so popular.

You'll be eating a lot of nuts on this diet as well as eggs, bacon and cheese even if you desire. It really doesn't matter that you're getting that saturated fat as long as you keep your carbohydrates below 10 grams a day, it will all be burned off as fuel.

So if you're looking for a fast weight loss diet, definitely give the CKD a try, on the 7th day, you'll get to reverse the tables and eat mostly oatmeal, brown rice and brown bread along with some protein, it's a great change and make sustaining this diet easier.

For More Related Topics Blog: Physician Weight Loss Clinic

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