Keeping things simple can be the key to success in so many fields of activity.
Healthy weight loss is certainly no exception; really simple steps can make a huge difference at the start of any changes in behaviour. It is sometimes the case that in forgetting this, progress might be much slower than necessary.
Few people realise just how effective it is to write down your objective. By getting it down on paper, it not only helps to focus your mind, it allows you to strengthen your resolve by reading it often.
Write the weight loss goal down in a positive manner, not just 'I will lose 10 pounds'. An example might be 'By the end of October, I will feel great about having lost at least 10 pounds'. You could also list 2 or 3 of the changes you are making: eg 'I will eat fresh fruit at least twice a day and drink water instead of soda'.
Another way to help yourself is to find a weight-loss buddy. Discussing plans and comparing notes can really help to keep you on track.
Why not make an agreement to phone or email each other on a weekly basis? This is often enough to be checking your weight and it is probably wise to do it at the same time of day each week. Your weight-loss buddy might also be of help in the third of these simple suggestions: find an activity which will give you pleasure as well as getting some exercise. Is there a local pool where you can swim regularly? What about a sport or fitness class. These are almost always more pleasurable and easier to stick at when at least one other person is involved.
Please do not ignore such ideas because they can be so simple and easy. Once you have these settled in your habitual behaviour, it will become so much easier to make other gradual changes. In general, we do not really like making changes, so when you decide some are necessary, make it easy on yourself. Put the odds on your side with a simple plan you can stick to. Once thinking about and planning your weight loss is a regular part of your life, you will look and feel so much better.
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